Convert your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Beta instance 
We'd like to thank you again for your participation in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Beta program.
There is still time for ABCD to convert your Beta instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online into a paid subscription, but time is running out. You have until February 18th to convert before your data is deleted from our servers.
By converting, you and your organization can retain the data and customizations you created during the time you spent with the Beta version. You will have access to the full production version of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online service - with all its new features - as well as having access to our technical support team, a full set of educational materials in the Resource Center and you will enjoy the benefits of our financially-backed uptime guarantee.
For our customers: If you choose to convert your Beta organization to a paid subscription between now and February 18, 2011*, you will be entitled to two unique benefits: 1) You will not be charged for using the service for two months from the date you make the election to convert, and 2) You will be entitled to a special introductory price for the 12 months following this two-month period.
To learn more about converting to a full subscription and to find out the introductory subscription price in your area, please visit our Customer Beta Conversion Site or contact us.
For our Microsoft partners: If you are interested in converting your Beta organization into a full subscription, please visit our Partner Beta Conversion Site. If you would prefer to start with a new organization and not convert your test data, please click here to learn about options available to Microsoft partners.
From all of us at Microsoft, we thank you for your participation in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Beta program.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Team

* Please note: after February 18, 2011, conversion of your Beta organization to a full subscription will no longer be available and any data you entered during the Beta program will be deleted.


[SDK에서 발췌]
검색어 : Import Data in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
문서타이틀 : Create Data Maps

The default maximum size of an attachment that is processed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM is 5 MB. You can increase the size limit by specifying a new value in the Organization.MaxUploadFileSize attribute. However, an attachment size cannot exceed the maximum HTTP request size (the default is 16MB). For the change to take effect, reset Internet Information Services (IIS) . To do this, click Start, click Run, type iisreset, and then click OK.

몇 일전 나는 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 에서 대형 사용자 지정 엔터티를 만들어야 했다. 이 엔터티는 여러 종류의 150 개이상의 사용자정의 속성을 가지고 있었고, 내 머리와 손가락은 벌써 수동으로 이 엔터티 만들 생각에 욱씬욱씬 거렸다. 나는 레거시 시스템에서 추출한 각각의 필드가 정의되어 있는 excel 스프레드시트를 가지고 있었고, 그것을 직접 입력 할 생각에 질려버렸다.

Then I remembered a tool in my CRM tool chest that I rarely use—the CRM Data Migration Manager. If you read the Customer Effective blog regularly, you probably know that we typically use Scribe Insight for integrations and migrations. The standard CRM import tools are good for simple data imports, but lack the depth of features to do updates or scheduled migrations.

However, there is one feature of the Data Migration Manager that doesn’t exist in any other import tool (as far as I know). That’s the ability to create new entities or attributes. And while you may use other tools, such as Scribe, for the actual data migration, this functionality of the DMM can make it a very useful tool to add to the mix.

Using the Data Migration Manager I cut what otherwise would have taken and hour and a half down to 10-15 minutes. My fingers thanked me.

So here is how you would use the CRM Data Migration Manager to create a new entity:

Step 1: Create a spreadsheet of your data. The columns should be the database/schema names you want your attributes to have. Include at least one row of sample data.

Step 2: Launch the Data Migration Manager and create a new mapping.

Step 3: Select “Create a custom Microsoft Dynamics CRM Entity.

Step 4: Define the Entity, including the name and the primary attribute. 

Step 5: The wizard will guide you through creating the new attributes. Select the field type for each field.

Step 6: When finished, the Data Migration Manager will create the entity and attributes for you.

Ready to go!


[터미널의 기본 사이즈를 변경하는 법]

터미널의 기본 윈도우 크기는 약 가로 80문자, 세로 24문자입니다. 이것을 변경하려면
/usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm 파일을 편집합니다.

아래의 명령어를 사용해서 xterm 파일을 엽니다.
sudo gedit /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

위에서부터 몇번째줄에 아래와 같은 행이 있습니다.

가로폭을 변경하기 위해서는 co# 다음의 숫자를 변경합니다.
높이를 변경하기 위해서는 li# 다음의 숫자를 변경합니다.


■ 준비사항
1. HOST OS : win7
2. GUEST OS : ubuntu 8.4 LTS
3. Virtual Tool : VMware(R) Player 3.1.3 build-324285
※ 사내 프록시 서버가 설정되어 있다.
※ ubuntu의 가상OS파일이 준비되어있다.(.vmx)

VMware에 기존 우분투VMX를 이용하여 게스트 OS를 기동시켰다고 가정

[호스트OS의 설정]
바탕화면 오른쪽아래 트레이의 네트워크아이콘을 클릭해서 '네트워크와 공유센터열기'를 클릭
중간의 로컬에어리어 접속을 클릭 > 프로퍼티버튼 > 공유탭 > 아래 그림과 같이 체크

[게스트OS의 설정]
1. 시스템 > 설정 > 네트웍의 프록시
프록시 설정을 변경해준다.
매뉴얼로 프록시설정을 한다.에 체크
전체의 프로토콜에서 같은 프록시를 사용한다. 에 체크
프록시주소와 포트번호를 입력

2. 웹브라우저에서 메뉴바의 편집 > 설정 > 상세 > 네트워크탭 > 접속설정버튼을 클릭한 후
아래그림과 같이 체크한다.

이상으로 게스트OS의 파이어폭스 브라우저가 인터넷 연결에 성공!!